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Data Viewer

Data Viewer is designed to be a simple visualization tool for attached data files. It provides the ability to view the vehicle data acquisition logs within the context of the run and vehicle data stored in HH Data Management. Primary use cases include:

  • Comparing vehicle or driver performance
  • Viewing the output of math calculations
  • Sharing data analysis between users

Data Viewer can be accessed from the Event tab of the ribbon bar:

A new tab will appear:

The Data Viewer graph is configured using the options available from the ribbon bar, and the data to be plotted is selected in the left tree view.

Data Viewer configuration requirements

The Data Analysis profile must define a distance channel - either loaded from data, or calculated by HH Data Management.

Data file selection

Clicking the Add button in the left pane will open the file selection window:

The window provides two functions:

  1. Control the loading of the caches into the view
  2. Selection of the data to be shown in the viewer

The comboboxes at the top are used to control the cache loading. After selecting the desired values in the comboboxes the "Load" buttons are used to load all caches based on the selection:

  • Load all categories - loads all cars from all categories within the selected event
  • Load all cars - loads all cars from the selected category
  • Load car - loads the selected car

Once the caches are loaded any runs or sessions with attached files that are in the supported format will be shown in the table.

This table can be filtered and sorted by session, category, car, attached file name, etc. using the column headers:

Before data files can be displayed in the Data Viewer graph, they must be locally available. The file selection window provides a column with the file status, and two ways to download files without leaving the Data Viewer:

  • Click the Download button in the Status column
  • Select the desired rows and click the Download Selected Files button

Data files with the "Available" status can be opened in the Data Viewer by the user selecting the rows and clicking OK

The opened data files are displayed in the left pane of the Data Viewer:

There are two features that help to locate the run with the fastest lap of a session overall, and the fastest lap of a session per car.

The show best runs checkbox will filter the list to show only the runs that have the fastest overall lap of the session:

To show the run with the fastest lap for each car, the final column can be used to filter on the value "checked":

Graph configuration

When the user selects the Data Analysis profile, the Edit Graphs button will be enabled.

Clicking the Edit Graphs button on the ribbon bar will open the graph configuration window. This window allows the user to define the channel groups (subplots) and channels (data series) that will appear on the graph. Groups can be named, resized, and have their limits set in this grid view.


The MinY and MaxY setting for channel groups is set to NaN (Not a Number) by default to allow automatic Y-axis scaling.

The user adds and removes channel groups and channels with the four buttons at the bottom of the window. The "Add Channel" button opens a window with a list of all channels defined in the Data Analysis profile. The window has a search box to make channel selection easier in large data sets.

Upon closing the Edit Graphs window, the graph will refresh. With a single speed channel added to the plot, the view may look like this:

Overlays and Plot Settings

Data Viewer supports showing an overlay of another lap from the same or different opened data file.

  • To add a plot overlay, the user can select the checkbox in the second selection column
  • To compare the overlays in time or distance mode, change the Plot Mode on the ribbon bar
  • To show the lap time difference between the two laps, use the "Show Time Delta" checkbox


Data Viewer has the option to export a screenshot to a file or copy it to clipboard. The resulting image will show the selected file context in the title above the graph.