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Format options

The format options are used in various configuration entities to configure the output format for display elements. The format options are used in:


This option is only available on textbox related cells. Furthermore, where appropriate the option is disabled if it can be detected that the linked parameter is not a numerical type.

Selecting the ... button for the format options opens a window:

There are four options for the format options:

  1. None: no formatting will be applied to the cell contents
  2. Number: with this option there will be two further options:
    1. number of decimals to show
    2. always show sign: force the + sign to be shown for positive numbers
  3. Lap Time: the value will be formatted in a lap time format, e.g. 1:23.456. There is also the option:
    1. always show sign: force the + sign to be shown for positive times. If disabled, negative times are disallowed.
  4. Percent: the value will be formatted as a percent, i.e. 1 would be shown as 100 %. Two further options are specified:
    1. number of decimals to show
    2. always show sign: force the + sign to be shown for positive numbers
  5. Custom: the value can be customized by entering a format string which gives more flexibility. The example in the screenshot, 0.00 kg would force 2 decimal places and also append the string kg to each value