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Installing & running HH Data Management

Downloading HH Data Management

The latest version of HH Data Management can be downloaded in two different ways:

  1. Opening will automatically download the latest version without needing to log in to the website
  2. Logging into and navigating to the HH Data Management Releases page

Option 1 will be sufficient in most cases, however HH Data Management requires a different installer depending on your CPU architecture (x64/x86/arm64) and sometimes the automatic download will not detect the correct version to download. In this case you can manually select the correct CPU architecture by logging into the website. For example, if you are trying to run HH Data Management in Parallels on one of the new Macbooks you will require the arm64 version.

After downloading the installer, unzip it, launch the exe, and follow the on screen instructions to install the software.

Starting HH Data Management for the first time

After installing the software and launching it for the first time you will be presented with a screen to enter your login information. This is the same login information used to log in to the website. If you do not have a username please contact your account administrator and they can create an account for you.

Once your Username and password has been entered, you can click OK to start the software.

On the bottom task bar, the software will show a green light if it connected to the server and your username. It will also show some values indicating the number of pending Push/Pull operations. After logging in for the first time there will always be some pull operations. These are data changes that need to be downloaded from the server to the local computer. Push operations are data changes that need to be sent from the local computer to the server.


Please wait for the number of operations to reach zero before starting working with the software. The operation should take a few minutes.

After the initial download of data is complete you will need to subscribe to events and cars to start using the software.