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Job list and issue list categories

The job list and issue list categories can be defined inside the software from the Admin ribbon bar:

For both the job list and the issue list, the display consists of the category list with the option to Add or Delete a category:


By deleting a category, every list associated with this category in the software will lose its category association. Make sure that you delete only categories that were never in use in the software.

Session types

Each [session] has a session types, such as race or practice. The session type can be useful to block sessions from showing in views or for use in a filter for graphing or data export. Each account is populated with some default session types, but these can be adjusted using the session type view which is available on the admin tab of the ribbon bar:

Engineer note categories

Each runsheet engineer note has an engineer note category. The engineer note categories can be defined inside the software from the Admin ribbon bar:

The display consists of the category list with the option to Add or Delete a category:


By deleting a category, every engineer note associated with this category in the software will lose its category association. Make sure that you delete only categories that were never in use in the software.

Lap marker and lap track status markers

Lap markers can be assigned to each lap. Lap markers can be edited using the lap markers view which is available on the admin tab of the ribbon bar:

Lap markers are used to state the type of lap like, in, out, push, cool etc. Lap track status markers are used to track the track status of each lap like green, yellow, safety car etc. Both types of markers are used for the mileage calculations and they will be populated from the DMI.