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Getting started with example plugin

An example HH Data Management plugin has been provided on GitHub. This can be used instead of starting a plugin from scratch. This tutorial will explain the changes that are needed to adapt the example plugin to a specific account.


The following changes need to be made in the PluginEntry.cs file.

IHHDataManagementPlugin properties

The following properties need to be updated:

These properties are part of the interface.

The Account ID can be found in the backstage of the software:

ICustomFlatModelProviderPlugin functionality

Any flat models that are to be created in the plugin need to be registered in this property. A sample registration is provided that can be replaced:

IRunSheetCustomizationPlugin functionality

If the run sheet is going to be customised the code that defines this customisation is registered here. The ID of the definition of the run sheet can be found on the definitions view and this needs to be substituted with the ID that is currently defined in the code:

This code can be removed if the run sheet won't be customized.

IEventCarDataCustomizationPlugin functionality

If the event data view is going to be customised the code that defines this customisation is registered here. The ID of the definition of the EventCarData can be found on the definitions view and this needs to be substituted with the ID that is currently defined in the code:

Project Configuration

The project can be configured by right-clicking on the project in the solution explorer and selecting properties:

Copy to output

The project can be set up so that each time the plugin is built it will copy the output of the build to the plugins directory that HH Data Management reads when it is launched. The YOUR USERNAME text needs to be replaced THREE times in the Post-build event text box (note that you need to scroll horizontally to see the third value that needs replacing):


When developing a plugin it is important to remove the auto downloaded plugin from the website (that will be stored in a zip file) to make sure that you are loading and using the locally build version of the plugin.

Debug plugin

The plugin can only be run under HH Data Management. There is no functionality for the plugin to run on its own. Therefore, to debug the plugin it is necessary to launch HH Data Management first. This is already setup in the example plugin and no changes should be required if HH Data Management is installed in the standard location. The configuration can be accessed here: